This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone.
I used to clip coupons quite a bit. I was never extreme, but I did a pretty good job stocking up the house with items that were close to, if not, free. Then I began blogging and doing more activities like running the P.T.O at the grade school and I found that I just couldn’t do it all. Couponing is fun and rewarding, but it takes time, and at some point I had to re-evaluate to see what was the most valuable way to spend my time – and as you can see this blog easily won that debate. So, I changed some of the ways that I tried to save money.
I started using my phone more.
Stores have jumped on the band wagon and have realized that most people out there really don’t have the time it takes to sit down and cut out coupons, but they do have a couple minutes to take out their phones in the store and digitally “clip” a coupon to their account so it gets taken off right there when they check out. It’s seriously as easy as pushing a button, and just like the coupons you clip – they can each be used one time.
I was very excited when I heard that Walgreens started implementing this system with their Balance Reward Card App, because I can stock up on things there that I might not do at other stores – things like vitamins and bandages, Walgreens has a large variety for me to choose from.
While everyone else is out school shopping, I’m also out getting extra things to have on hand for soccer season – things like snacks, band-aids, wipes, sanitizer, stuff that we go through more of when the girls are playing.
At Walgreens the other evening I stocked up on a lot of those items and used my digital coupons to save some money. Every little bit helps!
What things do you stock up on during sports seasons? Here is a list of a few things I always keep extras of:
1. Bottled Water
2. Nuts + Trail mix
3. Hand Wipes
4. Sanitizer
5. First Aid Kit (make sure yours has instant ice packs inside!)
6. String cheese
7. Extra Band-Aids (they help if your kid gets an cut, or blisters)
8. Bug Spray
9. Sun Block
10 Deodorant
Thanks to #CollectiveBias and #WalgreensPaperless for letting me share my ideas with you!
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Great list! I tend to stock up more on things like bleach pens and stain remover. For some reason my kids' school give Kindergarten and First Graders markers. Hmmm… Looks like you are ready to go for Fall Sports! Glad Walgreens was a help in stocking up. #client
I try to remember to use it when I go to Publix. I did really well for awhile, then completely forgot until you just reminded me. LOL! I also do a lot of Costco shopping, so rarely consider what I can get there, until I'm running out of the door.
Thank you for linking up with Creative Style Linkup! Have a blessed weekend!
Your co-host, April