I very rarely open up like this on the blog. I frequently talk about our family and life and things that make me happy – and try to keep all of the negativity away from this little space of mine on the Internet, but that doesn’t mean that life doesn’t come without it’s ups or downs.
I hope that we can work through whatever is troubling my little girl and help her gain the confidence that I know she has deep down inside.
1 comment
I don't know your family at all so I don't feel I have the right to say much. I can share my experiences with you however. My sons were raised in a happy home filled with love and hugs from both myself and my husband. We ate as a family as often as possible having lots of dinner conversations. They spent time with their grandparents who adored them. We attended their sporting events and school events. We were fairly strict but also fun. All in all we had a very positive home environment and in fact their friends were at our house more than they were at their own homes.
This did not, however, stop them from having issues and problems that at times made me question everything I ever did in parenting. You know what? It isn't all us. They are individual humans who will become who they are despite our best efforts and intentions.
I think you have the right attitude. They (and you) will be fine. Don't let the school and counselors make you second guess yourself too much. You know your kids better than anyone else. Trust yourself.