Confession. Right now it’s nearly midnight, I’m sitting here editing Halloween photos, and am currently listening to Christmas music on Pandora. Every year life in general just seems to be going faster and faster, and while I’ve never began sneaking in Christmas music this early in the past, perhaps it will give me more time to get “in the spirit” and enjoy the season…and extend it, so it doesn’t seem to just whiz by like everything else has this year.
My Dad finally left our house yesterday after staying 9 days with us (the longest he’s ever visited) and you bet that while he was here I tried to cram in as much celebrating and holiday related stuff in as possible. Soccer games, wrestling practices, raking leaves, stuffing Halloween candy goodie bags….we did it all together. He also happened to carve his very first pumpkin with us as well. We never celebrated Halloween when I was a child, so we didn’t do any of the traditional activities, but now that I’m an adult my kids love Halloween, so my Dad actually carved pumpkins and handed out candy with us. He also went to the pumpkin patch with us as well.
It was the first time I have ever visited a pumpkin patch with my Dad, and we all ended up having a blast. We all rode on a hay ride, went through a corn maze, picked out pumpkins together, and then participated in all of the activities that we offered.
The kids loved the rope swing and slides. There were large tubes that the kids (and adults) could roll down a hill.
It was a good afternoon and a new experience for dad.
Even though he has just left, he is already planning his next visit up for the next holiday.
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