Liebster Awards & Pizza Stations!

Holy Moly its been quite the week around here! I unfortunately got a sore throat after our little vacation {which I don’t know why they call it a vacation if children are involved….not restful! But it was a nice change} and ended up loosing most of my voice. The kids love it, because I try and yell and them to do something and all that comes out is a little scratchy squeaky sound.


So, I am a lucky lady! Terrie from Hearth and Whimsy nominated me for a Liebster blog award! Terrie told us that “liebster” means “dearest” in German, and its meant for  blogs with less than 200 followers – as a way of encouraging them! <3


So, the rules are:


1. Link back to who gave you the award
2.Post your award on your blog
3.Pass the award on to 5 fellow bloggers with less than 200 followers!
 – and then of course comment on their blog and let them know you’ve nominated them!


Soooo here are the ladies I’ve decided to nominate!
1. Teresa @ Teresa J. Schwartz Designs – yes, she is my real life momma, who just started blogging about her journey with her art business.
2. Amanda from The Pretty Pinhead
4. Debi from Adorned From Above
5.Ricki from Rogue Baby
– all of these ladies have been kind enough to leave comments and encouraging words on my new blog!
Next on my blog ‘agenda’ for the day 🙂 is this…. I finally created a ‘button’ for my blog! I kinda like it ;)…I’m sure there will be more as I progress, but for now, this is it. The code is on the side bar, if you are interested in button swapping let me know! I’d love to 🙂
Now for the creative part in my post! So, as you guys know I had another fun {exhausting} sleepover a couple weeks ago, and I’m always trying to think of fun ways to cut corners. So I decided to let them make their own dinner. English muffin pizzas. That way they couldn’t complain that they didn’t like something! {There is always one in every crowd} I went ahead and covered the dining room table with brown paper. I lucked out a couple years ago and bought a bunch of rolls for like .89 each! Comes in handy. So then I set out all of the toppings and let them have at it!
Then when they were done I just put them in the oven at 350 for about 15 minutes.
Until next time,


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"Teresa J. Schwartz Designs" (Art By TessieJo) July 12, 2012 - 9:22 pm
What a great idea! Yummy! I am sad to report that I am no longer going to maintain my blog site due to I'm just not good at blogging, as well as the fact that I, myself, found my site boring! LOL! SOME of us, (yes, you), however, are a genius at it and I hope your blog goes national! If you can't edit your post to take my blog link off, then maybe you can make a tiny retraction? I am so proud of you for your award, too! Wow! You are a rising star! :-)
Four Marrs and One Venus July 13, 2012 - 2:57 am
Such a cute Idea!! Saw you over at Kitchen Fun w/ my 3 Sons! Love fun!!
The Pretty Pinhead July 13, 2012 - 7:18 am
Thanks for nominating me!! How sweet :)

Yes, we just went out our first "vacation" since our son was born and it was just as much work (if not more since nothing there was baby proofed and he wasn't in his "norm". ). I need a real vacation soon!!

The Pretty Pinhead
Sugar Plums & Lollipops July 13, 2012 - 7:52 am
Hey there! I nominated you and your lovely blog for the Versatile Blogger award. Check it out here...
Debi July 13, 2012 - 3:21 pm
Hi Melissa,
Thank you so much for the Leibster Award. I have also passed it on. I love this recipe. I am happy to be one of your followers.
Debi Bolocofsky
Adorned From Above
Heidi Fowler July 14, 2012 - 12:09 am
Wow! That looks fun. I’m so glad you linked this up at One Creative Weekend! I love it!
Naptime Review July 16, 2012 - 7:29 pm
I love your pizza station. I am working on Pizza themed preschool activities. This would be fun!

Newest GFC follower from Keeping it Simple. I am hosting Mom's Monday Mingle now. Love for you to link up! Have over 170 moms blogs. Great place to network. Hope to see you there!
Emily Meyers July 18, 2012 - 8:48 am
Hey there! I just found your cute blog via the hop and I'm your newest follower! I'd love to have you be my blog friend too and check out a fabulous $175 CHI giveaway I'm having right now!!

Hope to see you there! Thanks so much!
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