Finding the Perfect Christmas Tree

This is the first year in my entire life that I have gone to a tree farm and picked out my own Christmas tree. Can you believe that? It’s not like I live in an area that doesn’t have Christmas tree farms – it’s actually quite the opposite. Over the years there have been many tree farms here in the Willamette Valley, we just never took the time to go to one.

Normally we will pick our tree out at a nice local lot and then load it up and bring it home. I’m lucky to live in an area that trees are fairly affordable so we always have a fresh Christmas tree. There’s just something about the smell and tradition that I love. I’m not sure I personally would ever want a tree that wasn’t real, but I can see why it works better for some. 

This year I decided we needed to go to a tree farm and pick our own tree out. We needed to start a new tradition. I found Janzen Farms which was only about 15 minutes from out house. It also happens to be just down the road from where my husband works. We then spent the next hour walking around, exploring, contemplating, and debating, which tree would be perfect for us.

I also had high hopes of taking some amazing family photos with my camera for holiday cards, but unfortunately when we arrived at the farm I found out that something terrible had gone wrong with my camera, and, long story short, was forced to take a few pictures on my cell phone instead.

This year’s holiday photo will be a little bit different and not as amazing as I had hoped it would be, but I think it’s still going to turn out good. I’ve got them ordered and on their way!

It amazes me to think about how quickly the kids have grown, and how much they have changed since I began this blog nearly 5 years ago. Time roles by fast my friends, and it won’t hit you until that moment is gone.

Do you celebrate Christmas? Do you get your tree from a lot, farm, or department store? 😉 I’d love to hear your tree traditions!


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